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miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010


Knowledge Management—Emerging Perspectives

Yes, knowledge management is the hottest subject of the day. The question is: what is this activity called knowledge management, and why is it so important to each and every one of us? The following writings, articles, and links offer some emerging perspectives in response to these questions. As you read on, you can determine whether it all makes any sense or not.
Developing a Context

Like water, this rising tide of data can be viewed as an abundant, vital and necessary resource. With enough preparation, we should be able to tap into that reservoir -- and ride the wave -- by utilizing new ways to channel raw data into meaningful information. That information, in turn, can then become the knowledge that leads to wisdom. Les Alberthal.
Before attempting to address the question of knowledge management, it's probably appropriate to develop some perspective regarding this stuff called knowledge, which there seems to be such a desire to manage, really is. Consider this observation made by Neil Fleming as a basis for thought relating to the following diagram.

A collection of data is not information.

A collection of information is not knowledge.

A collection of knowledge is not wisdom.

A collection of wisdom is not truth.



1.-  Selecciona 4 frases a las cuales se le debe aplicar las reglas de la estructura de la oración.

a.- Consider this observation made by Neil Fleming as a basis for thought relating to the following diagram.
Frase Nominal: Consider this observation .
Núcleo: observation.
Pre modificadores: Consider this.
Frase Verbal:  made by Neil Fleming as a basis for thought relating to the following diagram.
Núcleo: made.
Tiempo verbal: Pasado.

b.- As you read on, you can determine whether it all makes any sense or not.

Frase Nominal: As you.

Núcleo: you.
Pre modificadores: as.
Frase Verbal: read on.
Núcleo: read.
Tiempo verbal: presente.

c.- That information, in turn, can then become the knowledge that leads to wisdom.

Frase Nominal: That information, in turn,

Núcleo: information
Post modificadores: in turn
Frase Verbal: can then become the knowledge that leads to wisdom.
Núcleo: can
Tiempo verbal:  presente.

d.-A collection of information is not knowledge.
Frase Nominal:A collection of information 

Núcleo: information
Pre modificadores: a collection.
Frase Verbal: is not knowledge. 
Núcleo: is not.
Tiempo verbal: presente perfecto.

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