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sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010



Each reader of this website can make a difference in the life of a child diagnosed with leukemia. We ask, having known the suffering that our own child endured, that you spread the word concerning this web site. The Reference section contains valuable information and resources to help children with leukemia. If you have reference material or names of individuals who can help Children with Leukemia, please send the information or names to the Jennifer Lynn Stroud Foundation, 14160 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75254.



Jennifer Stroud was a typical five year old girl with a mommy, daddy and brother living in Dallas, Texas. She loved to play dolls, loved her favorite cuddly Molly, giggled, laughed, played and skipped with her friends.

Around Thanksgiving 1993, we noticed she was tiring and started to run a low grade fever. We also noticed she was starting to bruise easily when she bumped into things. Lynn took her to the pediatrician who ran a blood test and told her on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1993, that she needed to go to a hospital because she may have leukemia. Later that day, we were told by the doctors she had leukemia, and later that evening that it was acute myeloid leukemia, and she started emergency treatment called leukapheresis, which cycled her blood through a filter to decrease the amount of white blood cells. Her condition was classified as critical.

We were shocked. Her friends could not believe the situation. Jennifer immediately started chemotherapy treatment designed by the pediatric oncology group (POG) at Children's Hospital in Dallas. She went into remission after her second of three treatments.


Jennifer suffered the common side effects of chemotherapy including loss of hair, sore throat, loss of appetite, and dehydration of the eyes. In addition, her system was very sensitive, and she experienced deep bruises, skin rashes, blinding dryness in her eyes, and temperature spikes up to 106 degrees. We worked with the doctors and nurses to select medicines that would reduce her discomfort and assist in offsetting the side effects.

Jennifer came home from the hospital. We were hopeful that she would stay in remission. However, on April 29, 1994, Jennifer's leukemia came back. The doctors indicated additional chemotherapy or a bone marrow transplant would be the next course of treatment. We also reviewed and used nutritional and alternative/homeopathy treatments. Nutritional and alternative/homeopathy treatments did not cure her AML leukemia, but they did assist in increasing the quality and length of her life while reducing the side effects of chemotherapy. These treatments provided necessary proteins and minerals to strengthen Jennifer.

We, in conjunction with the National Marrow Donor Program, searched for an unrelated donor. None of her parents or family were a match for Jennifer. The donor was located in Canada after a local, national and international search. In September, 1994, Jennifer went to M.D. Anderson in Houston, Texas for her bone marrow transplant. She returned to Dallas, Texas in October, 1994.


Jennifer's family, friends and the school were very protective of Jennifer during this isolation period. There was a concern about infection and a time to restrengthen Jennifer's body. We used nutritional and homeopathy treatments to strengthen her body. Her church even had a super bowl parade in front of her house in January, 1995.

Jennifer went back to school on a periodic basis, had friends over to play, and was helping other kids that had illnesses by sending letters, candy and making telephone calls. The leukemia was too strong for her body, and Jennifer relapsed on February 2, 1995. We reviewed additional transplant procedures, chemotherapy procedures, alternative/homeopathy medicines and experimental chemotherapy drugs.

We selected a combination of nutritional, alternative/homeopathy, and an experimental drug to increase and sustain Jennifer through 1995. The leukemia finally wore her body down and returned around Christmas of 1995. Jennifer went to be with her Lord on February 1, 1996; one year after the doctors told us on February 2, 1995 that she would live only for a couple of weeks or a month. Leukemia was able to conquer Jennifer's body, but not her spirit.

We continue to grieve the loss of this beautiful lamb. The Jennifer Lynn Stroud Foundation was set up to assist other families and friends that are diagnosed with leukemia.

Children with Leukemia is a trademark of The Jennifer Lynn Stroud Foundation.

Children with Leukemia is Copyright c 1997 by The Jennifer Lynn Stroud Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



1.- Cuál cree ustedque es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
La historia de una niña que padeció Leucemia.

2.- ¿ Cuál es la idea general del texto?
 Como puede afectar la Leucemia los niños, cómo afecta a la familia y en sí, describir el proceso por el cual pasa un paciente en edad pediátrica con esta patología. Además indica, que cualquier familia con un infante con esta enfermedad que requiera ayuda puede acudir a la fundación creada por los padres de Jennifer.

3.- ¿Qué palabras se repiten?
Was, Leukemia, Started, Blood, Friends, Jennifer, Chemotherapy tratment, Doctors, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Marrow, Bone Marrow Trasplant.

4.- ¿Qué palabras se parecen al español?
difference, diagnosed, leukemia, reference, section, information, material, chemotherapy treatment, doctors, indicated, additional, combination, nutritional, alternative, homeopathy, remission, family. 

5.- Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el título, subtítulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
El título: Children with Leukemia.
El subtítulo: History.
Los Gráficos: las fotografías con las diferentes etapas de Jennifer.

6.- ¿De qué trata el texto?. Lee el primer párrafo y el último o las últimas ideas del párrafo.
Al inicio habla sobre las diferencias que se pueden encontrar en la vida de un niño con Leucemia y que este sitio web ofrece información valiosa sobre el tema. Si decides apoyar a un niño con esta enfermedad se pueden comunicar con la Fundación Jennifer Lynn Stroud .

La historia que se narra es la de Jennifer, una hermosa niña con Leucemia Mieloide Aguda, que después de batallar arduamente contra la enfermedad murió y aun su familia la llora y extraña... su experiencia fue el motivo para crear esta fundación.

Second Part.


Born: c. 5 B.C.

Birthplace: Bethlehem, Judea.

Died: c. 30 A.D. (crucifixion).

Best Known As: The son of God in the Christian religion.

Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure of the Christian religion, a savior believed to be both God incarnate and a human being. He is also known as Jesus Christ, the term "Christ" meaning anointed or chosen one. Most of the details of his life are unclear, and much of what is known about his life comes from the four Gospels of the Bible. The Gospels tell the story of Jesus's auspicious birth in a stable in Bethlehem, and then of his life as an adult, a teacher with miraculous powers who foretold his own death to his closest followers, called apostles. Jesus, betrayed by the apostle Judas, was crucified by the Romans, and his resurrection three days after his death was taken as proof of his divinity. The date of Jesus's birth to Mary is celebrated each December 25th as Christmas Day. The occasion was used as the base year for the modern Christian calendar, though researchers now believe that earlier estimates were inexact and that Jesus was actually born between 4 B.C. and 7 B.C. The date of the crucifixion is now marked as Good Friday, and the resurrection celebrated as Easter.

Jesus of Nazareth was portrayed by actor Jim Caviezel in the 2004 film The Passion of the Christ. Others who have played Jesus on the big screen include Jeffrey Hunter (King of Kings, 1961), Max von Sydow (The Greatest Story Ever Told, 1965) and Willem Dafoe (The Last Temptation of Christ, 1988)... Christmas is also the realm of the fictional toy-giver known as Santa Claus.


1.- En qué fecha y lugar nació Jesús de Nazareth?

R = Jesus was born on c. 5 B.C in Bethlehem, Judea.

2.- ¿Quién es la figura central de la religión cristiana?

R = Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure of the Christian religion.

3.- Cuál es la fecha de crucifixión de Jesús de Nazareth y cuándo se celebra?

R = The date of the crucifixion is now marked as Good Friday, and the resurrection celebrated as Easter.

4.- ¿En qué reciente película y por qué actor fue interpretado Jesús de Nazareth?

R = Jesus of Nazareth was portrayed by actor Jim Caviezel in the 2004 film The Passion of the Christ.

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